Oct 4, 2009

The 4 Secrets You Must Know to Properly Look After orchid

You have probably heard how hard it is to look after and care for an Orchid. Maybe in some cases that is true, however taking the time to find out more about them is your first step to actually understanding them. All you need is knowledge and a bit of time, then Orchid care becomes just as easy as looking after other sorts of plants.

Orchids are actually one of the plant worlds natural born survivors! You may be surprised to hear that but it's true. Why is this? Well they grow in the most unusual of places! Places such as the rainforest's, the cold permafrost of the tundra and sometimes actually underground!

It's quite a clever little plant; its seeds grow around a special fungus forming a happy alliance. The fungus gathers water and minerals for both itself and the orchid; in return the orchid shares its sugars with the fungus. And there they live in perfect harmony!

Of course this is in the wild so lets look at taming them for domestic life.

There is no reason why they can't be grown indoors, outside or in the greenhouse.

Even though it is quite a delicate plant it certainly isn't impossible for your to grow.

If you want to grow them inside find a well-lit room of the house, but somewhere where the sunlight won't be direct. You can use fluorescent lights to stimulate light as an alternative. The temperature should be consistent at above 60 degrees Fahrenheit all of the time.

You need to ensure that the orchid has moisture; you can easily do this by placing the plant on a tray of gravel or small stones. Ensure that there is always half an inch of water in the tray.

On a warm day let the air in, your plant does need the air to circulate. You could do this artificially with a fan if you feel the need is there.

You may want to grow them in a greenhouse, if this is the case they will need more water and ventilation. More watering is probably going to mean up to twice a week.

You might wish to check out the specific light requirements for the sort of orchid you are growing. Each variety is a little different, some needing shaded light and others brighter light to thrive.

If you would like to care for an orchid outside then look for a damp area with a temperate atmosphere. If you do that, in the very cold weather take them inside.

An easy way to manage that is to plant them in pots first and then bury the pots. You will easily be able to dig them up again when you need to take them inside.

Every orchid has its own characteristics and what works for one may not work for another, so sometimes it can be trial and error.

Stick to the main rules though and you won't go far wrong, correct light, temperature, humidity and water. Good luck with your orchid care!

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