Ada aurantiaca grows form: Evergreen, epiphytische orchid.
Cultivation is not very easy-the plants are demanding in a similar manner to the cryophilic species of the genus Odontoglossum. A summer stay in overheated greenhouses is a sure way of destroying the orchid. the species is therefore recommented only forcultivators who are able to provide their plants with cool conditions, or transfer them to a garden in the summer. The plants thrive in semi-shade, provided that they get appropriate ventilation and sufficiently frequent misting.
Leaf type : Long Pseudobulben with 2 narrowly oval, central green leaves, 10 cms long.
From the cultivator''s perspective,it is mainly its richly colored flowers that are valuable.Its pseudobulbs are up to 4 in/10 cm tall,with 1 to 8 in/2-3 to 20 cm long belt-shaped leaves.The flower spike does not overtop the leaves and is arched , with up to 15 extraordinaryflowers deployed on it. All the tepals are thin and pointed and their orange-red color attracts attention from a distance.
Blossom: The blossoms are orange and appear in basalen grapes, 2.5 cms long, in the spring. The flowering season comes between January and March.
Origin: Central America and South America. The orchid's original home is in the midlands and highlands of the Colombian Andes.
Ada cinnabarina (Linden ex Lindl.) N.H. Williams ?; Ada lehmannii Rolfe 1891; Brassia cinnabarina Linden ex Lindl. 1854; Mesospinidium aurantiacum (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1864; Mesospinidium cinnabarinum (Linden ex Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1864; Oncidium cinnabarinum (Linden ex Lindl.) Rchb. f. 186
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